India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label chess queen alexandra kosteniuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chess queen alexandra kosteniuk. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

3-Second Chess Knights Tour Challenge: Beat Kosteniuk, Win Prizes

Try this chess challenge from the 12th Women's World Chess Champion, Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk herself. 

Writing on her blog, GM Kosteniuk says, "I was teaching my daughter how to train moving the chess knight across the board as fast as possible, and she asked me to show how to do it fast. I recorded a short video about how I can do it in about 3 seconds (with slow motion). If there is anybody out there who can do it faster, I’m glad to announce that Chess King has offered several prizes to anybody who can do it faster than me. So practice your knight’s moves and speed, and send me by email the result (video or link to video), and you may win a prize! Good luck!"

Come on India, we are sure some talented Indian chess players can crack the 3-second limit for the chess knight's tour of the chess board! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cool Video: Chess Queen Kosteniuk was at the Peace and Sport Sochi Forum

This week an 8-minute video interview by Peace and Sport was published, with Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk, a Champion for Peace (see Press Release) in the organization Peace and Sport supported by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, speaking of her love of chess and how chess and sport can promote peace in the world. Alexandra was at the 2012 Sochi Forum, together with other great champions, such as Elena Isinbayeva. Here is the nice video interview. 

Read more at!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

FIDE President Congratulates Alexandra Kosteniuk, Valentina Gunina at Special Function in Moscow

A special ceremonial felicitation ceremony was held in Moscow on May 8 to congratulate Women's World Blitz Chess Champion Valentina Gunina and Women's World Rapid Chess Vice-Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk. Chess Queen Kosteniuk missed the gold in the Rapid by half a point and a medal, also by half a point, in the Blitz. FIDE president, officials of the Moscow Sports Committee and Moscow Chess Federation felicitated both the talented chess players. The Women's World Rapid and Blitz Championships held in Batumi (Georgia) on June 1-5. Valentina Gunina has recently grown as a strong chess player with creative chess ideas. 

The 12th Women's World Chess Champion, Alexandra Kosteniuk, has always been known for her non-compromising, very attacking, and entertaining chess games since she was a kid. Kosteniuk's Chess Blog is also the #1 chess blog in the United States and her Chess Queen blog is her personal 'diary' that gives fans an insight into the life of a world chess champion.

Fide president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Moscow Chess Federation president Vladimir Palikhata and first deputy chairman of Moscow Sports Committee Nikolay Gulyaev congratulated the chess players.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dream Chess Lineup for Any World Championship Format

Saturday May 19 is rest day at the Anand Gelfand 2012 world chess championship being played in Moscow. Here is a fun post for the rest day. Maybe, if there were a chess tournament to decide the strongest chess player in the world, we could invite a dream line-up. No statistics whether this is a recommended format or something. This is just a fun idea. Of course, we are leaving out Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand because they are already playing. You might imagine the chess we would witness as fans if such a tournament were to take place!

Dream Chess Lineup for Any World Championship Tournament

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pretty Chess Queen 'Caught' in US Airport Security Check

This one's supposed to be a fun photo. Just goes to show that Indian celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan and former President APJ Abdul Kalam being in US airport security check is no big deal. The photo shows Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk going through an “extra” check at the Tucson airport where she attended a special chess fest hosted by 9Queens. In the photo, the 9Queens chess trophy is so beautiful and the base is heavy that the airport security needed to check it some more to make sure there were no hidden chess pieces in there, or at least that’s what the pretty chess grandmaster and 12th women's world chess champion assumes (wink)!


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